Sunday, May 8, 2011

Kindle whispernet connection

it's possible to fix kindle connection problems to whispernet following the amazon customer service directives:

Visit your Kindle's Settings screen by selecting that option from the Home screen menu. When you're on the Settings screen, type 311 on Kindle's keyboard.

When prompted to switch wireless providers, select "OK" to see a list of providers in your area. Please allow up to two minutes for Kindle to complete a search of available wireless providers.

Select a carrier from the list and wait for Kindle to return to the Setting screen and attempt to connect to Whispernet. If after two minutes you are still unable to connect or your signal strength does not improve, please repeat the steps above and select a different carrier from the list.

it worked on my kindle 2nd generation


Mike Canberra said...

This worked for me in Australia by changing to auto select and then switching wireless off then on.

Unknown said...

You, sir, are a lifesaver. Thank you!