Saturday, May 3, 2008


It's so bad to have a so empty page... so... this blog will be about some memories kept online... it should be better than having them as plain text files in my home directory. Some trivial, other, i hope, more interesting and they will be about java, linux, php, web... everything i think worth to be remembered.

This blog is written in (bad) english, cause it is very annoying when you think to have found a fix to your network card driver problem and then realize that the char-set and the language of the solution is something coming from mars...

The first step is a great way to store and share bookmarks... so great that it can be used as a real alternative to search engines like goog ehm uhm... and yahoo...

A nice firefox plug-in, called My, gives a very good integration between the service and the browser. A must.

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